Friday, June 15, 2018

What exactly does Movie Culture mean ?

Exactly ? ''Culture '' has no exact defination .Here's aa defination for it anyway .

 ''Culture '' is (but not limited to ) the manisfestications of a mind interacting with its environment via sensory organs, hands, etc .These manifestications usually help the mind in some way or another .E.g.,words , technology,behaviour , etc.

 '' Movie culture'' narrows down to those involved with producing and/or consuming movies .This includes movie thetres ,acting , certain conventions , directing ,cameras , the movies themselves , etc.

But what is a Movie ? Does it have to be over an hour and a half ? Does it require a large budget ?No and no .A movie is an animated (live drawn , and /or CGI), audio -visual (semi-exception :silent films)narrative distributed on TV, theatre ,and ,or online.

Half /full hour series aren't usually considered as movies .Even though there are short films thata are less than half an hour .Even though movies can be serial as well.Even though there are such things as budget films that use as much or less money and resources , but make up for it with ingenuity . Even though they're all basically produced in the same manner.

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